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Being Big Red in a Coke World - Revisited

There is always a way to compete against the industry giants.

10/28/2019 | Bill Petrie, Petrie's Perspective

I initially wrote this post back in my brandivate days. I recently went down a rabbit hole looking at some of my old blogs and this one really stuck out to me to the point where I thought I would update it a bit and share. The lesson below is as strong today as it was four years ago – perhaps even stronger.

I grew up in a suburb of Dallas, Texas which means the following:

  • I will always be a fan of the Dallas Cowboys (which is always a roller coaster ride of high expectations, disappointment, and the frustration of having the best clapping coach in the NFL)
  • I have heard just about every conspiracy theory as it relates to the assassination of JFK
  • I like my chili as nature intended: without beans
  • Barbecue means beef and, more specifically, brisket
  • The best beverage to drink with said beef brisket is Big Red

Anyone who didn’t grow up in Texas likely has never tasted Big Red. Essentially, Big Red is a cream soda created in 1937 just south of Dallas in Waco. It’s insanely sweet and is as close to liquid bubble gum as a beverage can be. The funny thing about Big Red – and its inherent sweetness – is that it is a perfect complement to a savory, post-oak smoked barbecued brisket, but I digress.

Big Red, while delicious, is not one of the bestselling soft drinks in the United States. In fact, it’s not even in the top 10. Big Red has never tried to beat Coca-Cola or Pepsi at their own game because they know it is a fool’s mission. Instead, they focus on serving an intentionally different product that is as far away from traditional cola as can be.

This singular focus has allowed Big Red to cultivate a loyal – almost fanatical – following that would be envied by just about any brand, and they did it by following their tagline: deliciously different. They don’t want to be Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, or any number of other soft drinks available. Big Red focuses on being completely different in the marketplace and have earned a place in the hearts, minds, and, most importantly, wallets of their consumer base.

If you choose to compete directly with the “big guys” by providing similar services, value propositions, and extolling your “creativity,” your road to success is going to be bumpy at best. Instead, look internally to understand what you do better – and differently – than anyone else in the marketplace. Once you fully comprehend that, then find the right clients who are willing to pay for it. Just like Big Red found, those customers are out there.

You can try to compete with the big guys by offering a promotional products version of Koka-Kola, Popsi, or Dr. Skipper, but you’ll only end up comparing yourself to the real deal and will most assuredly fall short. You’ll find the road to success far shorter and less bumpy by being your own Big Red while your competition allows themselves to be lumped in with the crowd.

 Bill is president of PromoCorner, a digital marketing, media, and advertising agency, and has over 19 years working in executive leadership positions at leading promotional products distributorships. A featured speaker at numerous industry events, a serial creator of content marketing, president of the Regional Association Council (RAC) board, and PromoKitchen chef, Bill has extensive experience coaching sales teams, creating successful marketing campaigns, and developing branding that resonates with a target audience. He can be reached at bill@promocorner.com.

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