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I Need a Quote NOW…then CRICKETS!

What do you do?

11/15/2022 | Cliff Quicksell, MAS+, Cliff's Notes

You are constantly being pressed for quotes, virtuals, and physical samples – that is part of your job, it is the thing we do to solicit and gain business, while part of the business, it’s time consuming! After all the work, you could hear a pin drop!

What Do You Do If You’re Ghosted After Doing Great Work?

Most of the folks I consult who have had this happen get frustrated, disgruntled, and some even take it personally. While these feelings are normal, I believe there are some simple things you can do to mitigate the angst and frustration.

What is Ghosting?

Simply - not hearing back from clients after jumping through hoops to get them timely information – it is a sad commentary on our business world today, but there is hope.

You’re Not Alone

‘Cliff, that does not make me feel better’, I get it, however understanding there are underpinnings as to why this is happening helps, knowing the steps you can take to change course direction will give you  clear steps to create a better result.

Begin The Process on a High Note

I have found, most salespeople fail to ask the right questions, enough questions, and to set measurable expectations – my belief is most are unconsciously afraid that if they ask to many questions, or lay out expectations, they may lose business – and in some cases, that might be the better tact.

When a client asks for a quote, a sample, or a virtual – or anything, get clarity…

·       When is the event?

·       Who are the decision makers?

·       Is there a committee making the decision?

·       Is there a budget to be considered?

·       When will the decision be made?

·       When do you want me to follow up to get their decision?

There is a plethora of additional questions one could ask, but why are these important?

When is the event?

  • We are dealing with supply chain and freight issues; this can adversely affect your ability to get things completed.

Who are the decision makers?

  • If there are other decision makers, it would be nice for you to know them as well to include them in your correspondence – I try NEVER to allow someone else to pitch my ideas, they don’t know it like you do.

Is there a committee making the decision?

  • Committees are like PTA’s, multiple personalities, multiple points of view, once again, if YOU can pitch and have direct input, you have a better opportunity to guide the conversation.

Is there a budget to be considered?

  • Obvious question, and many times clients say, ‘we don’t have one…yet’, so you’ll need to do some deeper diving here with the client, I will explain further.

When will the decision be made?

  • This ties back to question one, supply chain and freight issues; this can adversely affect the outcome.

When do you want me to follow up to get your decision?

  • You are professionally placing people on notice you WILL be following up; you will have something to fall back on should it be necessary.

Power Of COMPLETE Communication

Never short-change yourself by being timid with the facts, in fact, if you shy away from the truth about what is really happening and reminding your clients and prospects, this will come back to bite you – be open, honest, and straightforward in your communication.

Everyone is experiencing these challenges – communicate them upfront

Supply Chain Issues

  • Material shortages, and port bottlenecks extend the times and cause disruption

Worker Shortages

  • Due to all the craziness, and despite what is being touted, suppliers in many cases, are finding it difficult to secure workers to decorate the products.

Freight Delays

  • Depending on the time of the year, normal three-day transit times can be extended two or three additional days.

While it is true, you do not control these challenges, you do control what and how you communicate. I encourage you to find articles, photos, whitepapers, blog posts that help support your claims – this will help validate your claims.  Many times, I have added links to my quotes for them to review – it is a game changer.

The Ultimate Communication

I know everyone reading this wants to do a great job, you need and want business, but don’t create issues for yourself. If you want more direct, timely communication, be the person that communicates early, openly, and regularly.

Let folks know why you are communicating in this manner.

I need to get the information as quickly as possible, pro, or con, if you are not interested, I understand, my goal is to:

a.     Ensure you can get the product or service you want

b.    That you get it in time

c.     You avoid any unnecessary rush charges from the factory

d.    Avoid any unnecessary freight charges or delays

** A Special and Important Note on Freight**

If your client is insistent on using their freight number, OR if you use your freight number to ship in lieu of the factory’s number, the responsibility on the dispute resolution ends at the loading dock. Simple terms: if using the client’s or your freight number, the CLIENT or YOU are responsible for all tracking and follow up, not the vendor – this is rarely, if ever, communicated.

Summing It All Up

Regardless of the outcome, follow up in a positive manner

  • Never degrade the competition
  • Always say positive
  • Send a thank you email, or better yet, note or card
  • Keep the line of communication wide-open
  • Request feedback for better improvement
  • Again, if you get the feedback, thank them, and act if needed

It Is Upsetting…but  Take Control

Being ghosted is frustrating, especially after having done all the hard work, and these tips may not solve all the issues, but for me, it has mitigated a lot of the angst.  Additionally, if you find someone over time, is a habitual abuser, you came make a conscience decision as to whether you continue the relationship or not.

Make the best of all situations, and remember, you are in control if you choose to do so. Choose wisely.

Until Next Month - Continued Good Selling – Take Control. CQ

For nearly 40 years, Cliff Quicksell, CSP, MAS+, MASI, with his company, Cliff Quicksell Associates, has been speaking, coaching, training, and consulting both nationally and internationally, to association members and small business groups, on more effective ways to market themselves, their products, and services; as well as motivating their personnel. In 2021, Cliff was inducted into the PPAI Hall of Fame.

Recognized by PPAI for his creativity, he has won the prestigious PPAI Pyramid Award over 30 times, the Printing Industry's PSDA’s Peak Award for creativity 5 times, and Regional Association CPPA’s Peak Award 6 consecutive years with a total of 8 awards. Cliff has coached countless others with the same level of results. Cliff received PPAI's Ambassador Speaker of the Year Award six consecutive years; and was the inaugural recipient of PPAI's Distinguished Service Award. Named one of top six industry speakers and trainers, he was recognized by PPAI in the book, "PPAI at 100", as having a significant influence in education in their industry. He was recognized by Counselor Magazine as one of the Top 50 Most Influential People in the Promotional Products Industry. 

Cliff’s BLOG 30 Seconds to Greatness won the 8LMedia Award for Most Passed Around Content. Cliff’s most recent book, 30 Seconds to Greatness, is available on his website www.QuicksellSpeaks.com  Connect with him on LinkedIn or via email at cliff@QuicksellSpeaks.com 

Cliff will be launching a new company in the next couple of months geared specifically for small business owners and entrepreneurship. Connect with Cliff to get connected to his podcast and upcoming events.

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