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If you could ask anything, what would you ask?

See what burning questions these industry duos have!

11/21/2024 | PromoJournal Staff, How Far Did The Apple Fall?

If you could ask the people of the promo universe a question, what would it be?
Kirby Hasseman, 2nd GEN
Hasseman Marketing
Why do we keep scratching out the logos on pictures on the promotional products' facebook page? We all know big companies buy branded merch.
Jade Crider, 3rd GEN
Hasseman Marketing
What is the obsession with Kirby Hasseman?                      
Bill Clay, 3rd GEN
What is your favorite promotion that you have been involved in?
Heather O'Neill, 4th GEN
Where do I get this pen? Just kidding! If you're looking for good questions, check out How Far Did the Apple Fall each week.
Dan Townes, 3rd GEN
Describe the Universe and give some examples.
Daniel Townes, 4th GEN
Y'all really find Dad funny?
Angie Hauptman, 1st GEN
Mylo Brand Studio
Angie could not be reached for comment.
Cola Henderson, 2nd GEN
Mylo Brand Studio
If you could change one thing about the promo world, what would it be?
Next up from How Far Did The Apple Fall?...

What is Your Favorite Podcast?

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What is your preferred term for imprinted products?

Looks like the industry may never agree!
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What would you spend your days doing?
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