If “50 is the new 30,” then similarly, “65 is the new 45.” Meaning, today’s seniors are not what they used to be in the recent past. While average life expectancy hasn’t changed too much, what has changed dramatically is how older Americans are living and feeling mostly as they did in their 30s. A 2017 report from the US census bureau noted that approximately 47 million Americans are 65 and older.
The age that definitively describes a “senior citizen” seems to be confusing. After all, there are thousands of “55 and older,” communities, yet the vestigial “retirement” is still 65. Of course, people retire from work or career at any time in their lives. A 2016 Pew Research poll revealed that approximately 20% of seniors are still working full-time, many because they enjoy it. Retiring from one’s career sometimes also means, starting something else. Today’s seniors can’t and won’t be still or silent.
Grandma doesn’t sit in a rocking chair and knit – she may be found in the woodshop making that rocking chair. Grandpa isn’t sitting by the fireplace puffing on a pipe, he may be long-distance cycling or running. Senior stereotypes just no longer fit.
Being active for seniors runs the gamut from yoga to serious physical fitness challenges like Tough Mudder. Americans in their 70s and 80s are traveling, volunteering, being involved in their communities, and are serious about hobbies. An its article, “Guide to Promotional Products for Seniors,” by promotional products distributing firm Amsterdam Printing of Amsterdam, NY, explains, “many seniors are quite tech-savvy and active in the digital world, yet they still have an appreciation — and a preference — for tactile, ‘old school’ practices such as writing notes with pen and paper, marking dates on calendars, and reading physical books.”
Seniors enjoy such social activities as using dating apps and websites. Pew Research shows that 12% of seniors use or have used this form of meeting new people, compared to 27% of all adults. Further, about half of seniors actively use Facebook, which is increasing in popularity among this demographic.
Social gathering at restaurants and pubs, as well as visits to wineries and microbreweries are leisure activities enjoyed by older Americans. Promos here can run the gamut, from wine stoppers, cheeseboards, glassware, upscale weekly diaries, and of course headwear, T-shirts and fleece.
Relatedly, seniors love to travel, whether it’s a road trip or an international cruise. A January 2020 survey from AARP shows that before the pandemic hit, half (51%) of all older travelers anticipated travelling internationally in 2020, with 26% doing so by cruise ships. Boomers prefer dining out, tours and personal sightseeing, as well as visiting museums and galleries. Boomers also appear to greatly enjoy taking advantage of making social connection while on vacations, developing new friendships or relationships on vacation (83%).
Promotional items for senior travel and experience can include a wide range of products and price points -- wheeled travel bags, passport wallets, plush bathrobes, sunscreens, visors, travel grooming kits, and more.
Of course, seniors who want to roam the world also know they need to be healthy, and self-care becomes a priority. Beginning in early middle-age, American adults begin to experience some age-related health challenges, such as rising cholesterol or blood sugar, even if they are in excellent health. But specialist visits, routine screenings, and a growing number of prescriptions all become a hallmark of life even for the most active seniors who have fully embraced the preventative health mindset (eg, dietary supplements).
Here, gyms, spas, healthcare practices, yoga studios and massage businesses can cater to their senior clientele with a variety of promotional products, such as lip balms, stress balls, sleep masks, hot/cold packs and yoga mats.
Also, seniors are aware of the need to get their succession plans in order, which means working with financial/estate planners, long-term care insurance firms and attorneys specializing in wills. Padfolios, writing instruments, planners, and calendars are items that may be suitable for these businesses.
The senior market (55 and up) is about to get bigger in the next few years with Generation X, who are very similar to Boomers in tastes, values and routines. Perhaps one way to distinguish your business is to cater to active senior promotional campaigns – after all, most of your business clientele works with this demographic.
Why not create your own senior focus group by polling all the 55-and-older individuals in your life? Ask for referrals to their favorite healthcare practices, service businesses and shops.
Seniority has its privileges – and promotions.