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Off My Game

Sometimes, big things have a way of feeling bigger than they are.

11/12/2019 | Roger Burnett, CAS, The Burn

I’d never been so off my game, and things weren’t anywhere near done being bad.

I was up too early, too full of caffeine and overwhelmed with emotion about the events that lie ahead of me that day. A Ribbon Cutting at our Chamber of Commerce welcoming our new business to the local community. On Halloween. There was no doubt this would be a day we’ll all look back on in our memories one day and smile about.

9:30 am came and went on a day that wouldn’t begin in earnest for 3 more hours. At that moment, with a full 3 hours left to deal with, I wasn’t entirely sure I was going to be able to make a full sentence. 90 more minutes of this mild panic forced me to fall back on my frequent last-resort fail-safe go-to for full freak-out moments.

The shower.

Thank all things for the glory that is the shower. It took a little bit, but mission accomplished, and Operation Seize the Day started anew with a healthy dose of acceptance, but also realization. Realization that sometimes it’s better to recognize and acknowledge a moment when it’s upon you than to fret over the cause of the moment itself and only prolong and worsen the misery.  

Sometimes, big things have a way of feeling bigger than they are, and acknowledging the moment returns balance to the situation. There’s no shame in knowing how to accept those emotions and finding a way to get back in the game – it’s an art many of us would be wise to learn better; myself included.

Unbeknownst to me, the ribbon cutting ceremony included the opportunity to share with attendees some items of interest about our business. Startled, I launched into what turned into a 15-minute spotlight on Social Good Promotions: why we chose to start the business and the ways we intend to participate in the local non-profit community. Little did I know that my wife was recording the speech along with the reactions of the members of the audience. The result: a memory I will not soon forget, for scores of reasons.

Success is often measured in dollars and cents, and our success cannot be truly proclaimed without an economic engine to fuel our objectives, but moments like these are often as valuable as hard dollars when looking for inspiration to continue believing in a unique vision of the future. Allow yourself the opportunity to see value in those accomplishments along the road to financial success, as the dollars often follow that trail of achievement in meaningful and long-lasting ways.

Roger has spent 20+ years making complex concepts more understandable for both buyers and sellers alike, and has devoted the majority of his recent career to injecting purpose via philanthropy to his sales and marketing efforts. He’s intent on making the world a better place and his nirvana exists at the intersection of Mission, Passion, Profession and Vocation. He loves the outdoors and seeks memorable experiences whenever possible. Contact Roger at roger@socialgoodpromotions.com or 810-986-5369.

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