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'Twas the Day Before (Promo) Christmas

A promotional products industry spin on a holiday classic

12/23/2019 | Bill Petrie, Petrie's Perspective

“It’s our annual holiday tradition to re-share this blog the week of Christmas. From all of us at PromoCorner, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas!” 

‘Twas the day before Christmas and all through the nation,
No business was done, the promo industry was on vacation.
The stress balls were lined near the workspace with care,
In hopes that a final order would arrive with great fanfare.

The samples stacked neatly and lined up just right,
As the majority would not be used for at least a fortnight.
Sporting a branded shirt and other logoed gear,
I had just settled down to toast another successful year.

When back in the office arose such a commotion,
It sounded like the ancient fax machine was suddenly in motion.
I jumped to my feet to see what would appear,
And in my great haste, I spilled half of my beer.

With lights that were blinking and a drum that was rolling,
The venerable old fax machine with work was growling.
The paper was released from the clutches of rubber and plastic,
I started to read and began to feel enthusiastic.

The typeface was clear and the words were concise,
A long-lost client was seeking a product regardless of price.
“Please help me as I need 5,000 bags by the 15th of January,
No one else can do it, you are my final ‘Hail Mary’!”

My fingers ran through my whiskers as I pondered their plight,
This was my chance to win back the client, to make everything right.
Working the phone with fingers fast as Van Halen’s Ed,
I reached out to suppliers, my heart filling with dread.

One by one texts, calls, and emails were roundly ignored,
I did not blame them, they were enjoying time away as a reward.
Breaking the silence, a text caused my iPhone to ding and chime,
A trusted supplier could meet the in-hands date, just in the nick of time.

I spoke not a word, but went straight to my work,
And filled all the fields, like a crazed order entry clerk.
Finishing moments before the supplier deadline expired,
I drew in a deep breath and felt rather inspired.

I reached for my phone to give the client a call,
And let them know, I would be able to help them after all.
I gave them the final cost with a smile and ease,
And hearing their sigh of relief, I could tell they were pleased.

Pressing ‘end’ on my phone, the crisis had ended,
I grinned and knew the relationship was fully mended.
Brimming with cheer, I whispered as I turned off the light,
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

Bill is president of PromoCorner, a digital marketing, media, and advertising agency, and has over 20 years working in executive leadership positions at leading promotional products distributorships. A featured speaker at numerous industry events, a serial creator of content marketing, president of the Regional Association Council (RAC) board, and PromoKitchen chef, Bill has extensive experience coaching sales teams, creating successful marketing campaigns, and developing branding that resonates with a target audience. He can be reached at bill@promocorner.com.

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