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What are you most thankful for?

See what these industry duos thank their lucky stars for!

11/28/2024 | PromoJournal Staff, How Far Did The Apple Fall?

What are you most thankful for?
Mike Kahler, 1st GEN
My family. They are everything to me.
Katie Kahler, 2nd GEN
My family
Joel Moore, 2nd GEN
My family - past and present
Halle Moore, 3rd GEN
My family,my boyfriend, my besties, and my cat
Rob Paschal, 4th GEN
My family
Alex Paschal, 5th GEN
My family and my dog. Blessed for every day I get to spend with them!
Joel Schaffer, 1st GEN
A great run with the love of family, but the show is not over.
Brett Schaffer, 2nd GEN
My family
Next up from How Far Did The Apple Fall?...

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